Monday, November 22, 2010

Level 1.. Jerry

How fun has this internet treasure hunt been?? suck on that easter bunny!

So? what do you think? is he bigged up too much or is he cool?? or do we have too much time on our hands? a polite collection of all 3 mixed together with some ingenius spontaneity leads you to this situation were you may have made a new friend? cool hey... way more complex then the old days in primary school but way more awesome then getting a random stalker puzzling your mind with the notion and meaning of his desire to add you as a facebook friend. So to figure out if you have things in common with this cool cat... here is a list provided by the source.

I like... wait... are you ready??
ok... i like...
kinders surprises and killer pythons,
mangoes and pink lady apples,
aladdin and zoolander,
he got game and love & basketball,
boat shoes and shopping,
photo bombing and photoshop,
awesome and smart people,
summer and snorkelling,
beach and rock climbing,
N.B.A and jumping off cliffs (into water),
Bear Grylls and Ken Jeong,
snapback caps and brunettes,
flanelette sheets and A/C,
music before 2002 and one minute dance parties,
water baloons and water pistols,
ONE HD and bubble o bills,
cubby houses and grafitti,
skate boards and push ups,
nick names and good times,
graphic design and architecture,
nice eyes and nice teeth,
paypal and presents,
watermelon and custard,
austudy and other payments from the government,
jenga and connect 4,
mario kart and xbox kinect,
pugs and peacocks,
rainbow paddle-pops and ebay,
flints and fire,
truth and dare,
H.I.M.Y.M and community,
extra chewy and eclipse mints,
collecting things and o.c.d,
roadtrips and camping,
water slides and fairy floss,
general sporting knowledge and useless info,
plaugurizing and wishing i could do it on my essays,
daydreamin and achieving,
dress ups and costumes,
ribs and curly fries

and a plethora of other things....

So if you like fun, Jerry likes fun, not that "i wish i was cool and fun" action people sometimes try and trick you with, im talking A grade first class excellence and experiencing good times so perfect you might as well begin planning the next time cause you'll want to out do the round 1 and make the minions jealous of your outrageously fantastic fun skills.

Add him on facebook if you like and say hi, its the least you can do.... because as a wingman i presume you have already invested 5-10 minutes into this... so dont be a hater, even though haters are gonna hate... if this level of awesomeness is out of your league tell one of your cooler nicer friends about it...

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